This article proposes the design of a dual-band coupled-fed dipole antenna for passive\ncoherent location (PCL) systems in the very high frequency (VHF) band. The proposed indirect\ncoupled feed mechanism, which is often employed in microstrip patch antennas, is first applied to\nVHF band dipole elements for dual-band matching. To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed\ndesign, we fabricate the coupled-fed dipole element and measure antenna characteristics, such as\nthe voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) and the antenna gain. The proposed antenna element is\nthen applied to an eight-element circular array to form the reference and surveillance beams for PCL\nsystems. Finally, the target location is estimated by constructing amplitude-range doppler (ARD)\nmaps for one frequency modulation (FM) and two terrain digital multimedia broadcasting (T-DMB)\nilluminators in the Seoul-Gyunggi urban area. The results confirm that the proposed element is\nsuitable for dual-band PCL systems in the VHF band compared to a conventional dipole antenna.